Yet another month passed, and we made available our March 2016 release. It includes new reports and brand new demo area with free access.
Demo area
We introduced a demo area , which is freely accessible from our web site – just click the Demo Login button and voalla – you are in. It generates more than 15 000 daily mobile transactions from our mobile device farm and simulates a fleet of mobile devices selling goods in the UAE’s Dubai and Abu Dabi regions. Their activities may be overseen over the map and analyzed in the various reports available. We are working on introducing even more sophisitcated daily generated demo data to be able to demontrate all the capabilities of Dynamics Mobile Insights platform.
We are actually using the same approach on providing constant test loads on our cloud platform used to monitor the cloud load and behaviour for both testing and production environments.
Heat map reports
We introduced new report type called – Heat Map. The Heat map reports are showing the “hottest” areas on the world map where the mobile devices are performing specific activities.
There are currently 3 Heat Map based reports:
- Amount Heat map: displays the areas, where the mobile sales people generates the highest amount of money.
- Events Heat map: displays the areas, where the mobile users generates the highest number of transactions – orders, invoices, etc.
- Duration Heat map: displays the areas, where the mobile users spent most of their time (duration) while creation specific transaction.